Monday, November 08, 2004

I'm STILL not in Germany


For now I have abandoned the attempt at profundity that usually accompanies my entries.
I'll just write as I think. After all, this is my blog :)

Delays at the German Embassy in Manila have to this point, delayed my departure to Germany. My school has been very supportive, making calls in my behalf, extending my enrollment deadlines, etc. But I've missed 3 weeks of school already. I only have until next week to enroll. Hopefully (hoftnungsvoll) I will reveive my visa this week.

On another note, I made 2 purchases today that I really liked. One is an audiobook The Art of Happiness by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler. M.D. They didn't have the paperback version, and I really didn't mind having an audio book, so I purchased it. I've listend to the first few chapters and it really seems promising.

The second purchase is Neverwhere, a book by my favourite author Neil Gaiman. I read the first chapter and it also seems very promising. I'm kinda excitied about it.

I'll be bringing Neverwhere to the embassy tomorrow for what is hopefully my last visit. Every visit there is a 3 hour wait before I am called. At least I have something to read this time.

Today I made a personal promise to myslef to change something about myself, to improve myself in one specific aspect each day.

Personal Resolution November 7,2004 be more vocal, to express myslef more and not be afraid to speak up..
Reminder to self:
There are times that I will feel that I have failed on this resolution, just understand that I am a work in progress, as are all human beings.


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